Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Zollinger National Healthcare Proposal

1.Catastrophic $ umbrella{30 ,000$}2.HSA.  Health savings accounts, that roll over with business matching funds3.Quality plans and best practices requirements4. Preventive plans starting early in schools and business{ will require generations] 5. Centers of excellence to minimize duplication of services ie. transplantation 6.Tort reform, this covers duplication of testing and the CYA practice of medicine 7.Immigration reform, state medicaid and tax base over stressed by "free" care/ERs 8.Solutions start at state level rather than federal 9.Deal with 3rd party payers and drug companies."If patient competes for best product at lowest price" costs will come down 10. Drug costs , compare to rest of world. R&D is not sole cost of USA, generics and substitutes.  11.Patient has to be educated CONSUMER. Would you give 20K and tell buyer to get you Chevy and he brings  a pink 18 wheeler would you accept this. Well thats health insurance! 12.Brain drain issue, young folks are not choosing medicine , when they do its driven by life style issues. 13. Industries where technical people are highest wage earners do not exist, except in medicine. Too many chiefs and not enough indians or just leaders that others will follow and listen to. 14. The future will include rationing and have a tiered system I believe, higher taxes. 15. This is most important ! The IT penetration is horrible, we need EMR, in many places there are still PAPER trails hard to believe in some ways your own house is farther ahead of the technological curve than your hospital and Doctors office.  This is a start.The Movie Doc     TIP OF THE DAY: Hard water is good for osteoporosis due to mineral content.

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